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Get Involved

The RDJ community depends on its vibrant and diverse group of volunteers and guests. From sharing meals together, to celebrating birthdays, to tutoring guests in English, we seek to build friendships, not just service opportunities.  If you have a talent, passion, or skill to share, send us an email, and we'll connect you with what works best. Below is a list of our most urgent needs:

Overnight Hosts (Priority): These volunteers open the shelter, hang out with our guest, and sleep overnight to ensure that our guests are cared for and have all needs met. This is an excellent opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with guests, get to know them, and play the occasional game of dominoes. 

English Tutors (1.5 hours/week) : Do you speak Spanish, French, or other languages? Let us know, and we'll link you to guests who want to improve their language skills. 

Buddies: (3 hours/week) If you're hoping to move into social work or another human service field, this is an excellent opportunity to get case management experience. Buddies accompany guests to neccessary appointments, follow up with guests on their next steps, and provide support to help guests achieve their goals. 

Cooks: (3 hours/week) Have an all-star chili recipe you want to share? Want to try out your tacos? Come cook a meal for our Tuesday night dinners

Have another idea for how you'd like to help out? Email us at